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It is a fake card; ie, it is not an authentic Yu-Gi-Oh product, even if counterfeiters have printed it into a physical card.

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Q: Is magic dragon with dragon with wings a real card?
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Is the Yu-Gi-Oh card magic dragon with wings a real card?

No, it is a badly-translated, counterfeit version of "Winged Dragon of Ra".

Is magic dragon with wings real?

actually yeah,i have it.its the 1990s version of the winged dragon of raah.its very hard to find.listen to people that have dont listen to people that dont cause its real.

Is red eyes ultimate zombie dragon a real card?

There is no such real card of that name.

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It means that the person who created the cards on "forbidden Memeries" goofed up.

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No, and it never will be. "Crimson Dragon" is not a real card.

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No, there is no such authentic card with that name.

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if your talking about the book dragon wings the answer is moonshadow

Is the crimson dragon card real?

No it's not. If anyone does have it, they've mistaken it for another card probably.

Is there a real crimson dragon card?

Crimson Dragon is only a concept in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's storyline. Konami has yet to release it as an official card.

Where is a website you can buy the crimson dragon card in 2010?

Currently, Crimson Dragon has not been released as a real card, in either the western TCG or the OCG.

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Yes. The real card is Avatar of the Pot.