No, Jimmy Swaggart is still alive. He turned 79 years old in 2014.
Yes, Sir Jimmy Savile is still alive.
US columnist Jimmy Breslin was 88 years old when he died on March 19, 2017 (born October 17, 1928).*Other sources list his birth year as 1930.
Yes, Jack Swagger is still alive. Jack Swagger is the name of a wrestler who works for World Wrestling Entertainment. He is one of the biggest stars as of 2013. His real name is Jacob Hagar, Jr.
yes hes still alive
No, Jimmy Swaggart is still alive. He turned 79 years old in 2014.
Yes, Sir Jimmy Savile is still alive.
As of May 2012, Carter is still alive.
Jimmy Carter is still alive today!!
As of March 2012, Jimmy Carter, who was born on October 1, 1924, is still alive and very active.
Yep he is
no he is not he died in 2000
As of the time of answering this question, the 11th of December 2009, Eamon Casey, the former bishop of Galway, is still alive.
Yes he is still alive he is a carpenter