than the average bear
Smarter than the A-ver-AGE bear.
Yes Well that's a matter of opinion. However, he does say he is and he can speak English, so it's quite possible.
"I'm smarter than the av-er-age bear!"
The fact he is talking makes him smarter and he does things that the average bear can't do.
Yogi is a cartoon character who is depicted as a bear, specifically a brown bear.
Mickey mouse is certainly more famous than Yogi Bear. Yogi Bear is so old!
than the average bear
Yogi Bear. He's been around longer than Rihanna and hes a hungry hungry bear!
Smarter than the A-ver-AGE bear.
not 100% sure but i can tell you that he is smarter than the average bear
Yes Well that's a matter of opinion. However, he does say he is and he can speak English, so it's quite possible.
"I'm smarter than the average bear!"
"I'm smarter than the av-er-age bear!"
The fact he is talking makes him smarter and he does things that the average bear can't do.
This is the theme song from the original TV series Yogi Bear is smarter than the average bear Yogi Bear is always in the Ranger's hair At a picnic table you will find him there Stuffing down more goodies than the average bear He will sleep till noon but before it's dark He'll have every picnic basket left in Jellystone Park Yogi has it better then a millionaire That's because he's smarter than the average bear
Yes and will have a better legacy than lil Wayne