Bill Macy is 88 and still alive. William H. Macy is 60 and still alive.
William Kennedy Gibson died in 1949.
William Gibson was born on March 17, 1948.
He died in 1975.
William Gibson is still alive as of September 2021. He was born on March 17, 1948.
Yes. He lives in NYC
Yes, Venus Williams is still alive.
Bill Macy is 88 and still alive. William H. Macy is 60 and still alive.
Sir William Deane is currently still alive.
No. She died in 1992 in Los Angeles California
William Kennedy Gibson died in 1949.
William Gibson was born on March 17, 1948.
William Gibson - bishop - was born in 1738.
William Gibson - bishop - died in 1821.
William Gibson-Craig died in 1878.