As of December 30, 2013, Richard Clayderman is still alive.
Richard Peck (writer) is still alive. He is 77 years old. I'm 76 and still alive, thank you. Richard E Peck
No, Richard Gordon Hatcher is still currently alive.
Still looking for photo of Richard Zolan, artist. signed Elizabeth Thompson Still looking for photo of Richard Zolan, artist. signed Elizabeth Thompson
yes he is.
YES AND STILL ROCKIN!!! yes he is still alive but not still be rockin. If he made up with Slash, Matt, Izzy and Duff he would be but without them Guns N Roses really went down hill.
The Patty Duke Show Still Rockin' in Brooklyn Heights - 1999 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
they formed in 1973 and they are still rockin the world with their great music
Besides working and touring with LL and MC BazeRock Cut Creator is now making a name for himself in radio and working the worldwide party circuit. Yes Cut Creator is still rockin the beat with his hands
dennis parmelee is 60 yrs old and still rockin hard
There are several brands that still manufacture spring horse toys; including but not limited to, Rockin' Rider, Radio Flyer, Tek Nek, Kidkraft, and Trademark Global. Along with these brands, spring horse toys are also sold at stores like Walmart and Target.
Slinky was invented by mechanical engineer Richard James in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a toy and of them were sold within 90 minutes. Slinkys were also used in the Vietnam War, as mobile radio antennas, and are still used today by amateur radio operators for shortwave radio antennas.
Yes, the Haywire boys are from Charlottetown...and still rockin with a new cd to be out this year :)
no they kicked him out for the dirtball, or either he quit and then they hired the dirtball, anyway hes not with em anymore
radio caroline is still broadcasting on the internet