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Q: Is Paul Diamond IAL Diamond's son?
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What is the theme of blood diamond?

The film, Blood Diamond, tells the story of a mercenary diamond hunter and his quest to profit mightily from Africa's diamonds. A journalist and an African father and son play integral parts in the story. You can read more, below.

What is cezanne son name?

Paul Cézanne's son was also named Paul.

In 1938 Harry Oppenheimer the son of the DeBeers founder organized the diamonds are forever ad campaign that has ever since had young men pour their life savings into diamond rings What was used?

The correct answer is: The bride's birthstone

What was the name of Paul Bunyans son?

Paul Bunyan's son's name was Johnny Inkslinger.

Did Paul Cezanne have any kids?

A wife calledHortense Fiquet and a son called pual.

How did Paul revere son Paul die?

Paul died of a natural cause.

Is mike d from beastie boys neil diamonds son?

no it is not true that mike d from the beastie boys is neil diamond's son. they are both jewish, however, not related. neil has two sons, Jesse (who played on stage with neil in 1992), and Micah. neil also has two daughters, and two grandkids.

What does son de mean?

Son de is often used to mean son of. Usually one would just use de as in de Paul would mean son of Paul.

Is photographer Micah diamond son of neil diamond?

yes he is, he is neil's main photographer

Do Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Alice in Wonderland have a connection?

No. The Song Lucy in the sky with diamonds comes from a drawing by John Lennon's Son, Julian

What was Paul Cezanne son called?

Paul Cezanne IIPaul the secondPaul.

Who is Paul in MrsFrisby and the rats of NIHM?

Paul is Mr.Fitzgibbons son in this story