Yes, Leslie Caron is still alive. She is currently 82 years old.
He has an older brother named Fred. Leslie Phillips has mentioned him in a few news articles, and Fred lives in the retirement home in my town now.
Yes, he is still alive.
Yes she still alive
Yes he is still alive..
Leslie Phillips was born on April 20, 1924.
Leslie Phillips was born on April 20, 1924.
Leslie Phillips - cricketer - died in 1979.
Leslie Phillips - cricketer - was born in 1899.
Leslie Phillips is 87 years old (birthdate: April 20, 1924).
Leslie Phillips
He is still alive
Yes, Leslie Caron is still alive. She is currently 82 years old.
Leslie. Phillips has written: 'A case of traumatic pemphigus' 'Directions for the care of the skin, complexion, and hair'