No. Larry Flint is still alive
Yes, James Byrd Jr. was drug behind a pick-up truck along asphalt for about two miles until he was dead.
rumor is he is dead.
Debra Byrd goes by Byrd.
Gill Byrd's birth name is Gill Arnette Byrd.
Larry Byrd
6"9/ 6"8
Larry Byrd
No, Larry Bird played his college ball at Indiana State University.
Donald Byrd died on February 4, 2013. He was 80 years old at his time of death.
No. Larry Flint is still alive
No he's not dead .
The Indiana town of French Lick was made famous as the former NBA star, Larry Byrd was born there.
Kevin McHale, Dennis Johnson, Robert Parish, Danny Ainge.