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Yes, they are Engaged they got engaged in London.They started seeing each other cause she sent him a text of her boobs.
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Yes she did.

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Q: Is Katy Perry engaged to Russell Brand?
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Plus Who does Katy Perry go out with?

Russell Brand, they are engaged.

Why is Russell Brand engaged to Katy Perry?

Cuz he likes her.

Is Katy Perry engaged to Russell brown?

no but shes engaged to russle brand

Did travis mccoy date Katy Perry?

Yes he did use to date Katy Perry but now shes engaged to Russell Brand

Is Russell brand in a relatioship?

Yes, he is engaged to American pop singer Katy Perry.

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No, Katy Perry is engaged to British comedian and actor Russell Brand.

Is Katy Perry single?

No. she is married to Russell Brand

Does Russell brand go out with Katy Perry?

yes Russell brand does go out with Katy perry : ) xxx

Why did Katy perry and Russell brand divorce?

yes Katy Perry and Russel Brand did get a divorce

How long has Katy perry and Russell brand been going out?

katy and brand has been going out for 60 months now there have even been engaged

What are some major events in Katy perrys life?

Katy Perry's marriage with Russell Brand.

Is Russell brand single?

no, he is married to Katy Perry