Kat Von D is a/an Tattoo artist,television personality,entrepreneur
No, Kat Von D is not single.
Kat Von D is bisexual.
Kat Von D is bisexual.
Kat Von D lives in Los Angeles, California.
Kat Von D has 1 child
Kat Von D has a Blackberry Curve.
Kat Von D is worth More$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Yes, Kat Von D has 1 kids
Kat Von D married to Oliver Peck from 2003 to 2007 Kat Von D married to Rafael Reyes in 2018
Kat von D specializes in giving tattoos. Kat von D has had television shows showing her tattoo shop and her workers giving tattoos. Kat von D has over a dozen tattoos on her body.
Kat von d is half German half Latino