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Q: Is Josh Hutcherson a vegetarian
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Who played peeta in hunger games?

Josh Hutcherson played Peeta.

Who plays Peeta mellark?

Peeta Mellark is played by actor Josh Hutcherson.

Is Josh Hutcherson dead?

no josh hutcherson is not dead r u stupid

What is Josh Hutcherson's birthday?

Josh Hutcherson was born on October 12, 1992.

What is Josh Hutcherson middle name?

Josh Ryan Hutcherson.

Related questions

Is Josh Hutcherson Jewish?

Josh Hutcherson is not Jewish.

Who played peeta in hunger games?

Josh Hutcherson played Peeta.

Hove name is Josh Hutcherson brother?

Josh Hutcherson's brother is Connor Hutcherson.

What is Josh Hutcherson's whole name?

josh Ryan hutcherson

How talll is Josh Hutcherson?

josh hutcherson is 5"7"

Who plays Peeta mellark?

Peeta Mellark is played by actor Josh Hutcherson.

What is Josh Hutcherson's mom 's name?

Josh Hutcherson's mom's name is Michelle Hutcherson

Who is Josh Hutcherson's little brother?

Josh Hutcherson's little brother is Connor Mason Hutcherson.

What is the birth name of Josh Hutcherson?

Josh Hutcherson's birth name is Joshua Ryan Hutcherson.

Is Josh Hutcherson smoking?

Josh Hutcherson does not smoke nor do drugs:)

Does Josh Hutcherson have a child?

No, Josh Hutcherson does not have a child. He's only 19.

Is Josh Hutcherson anyone?

Josh Hutcherson is a actor, so yes he is Someone