Brett Somers died on September 15, 2007 at the age of 83.
Jeremy Brett has 185 cm. For example like Clint Eastwood.
No, Debby Shum is still alive!
61. He was amost 62, as he died September 12, 1995 and had been born on November 3, 1933. He was a few weeks shy of 62. He looked very good for his age, except that the medication he had to take for his bipolar disorder damaged his heart and he retained fluid at the end of his life making this otherwise very slim and attractive man puffed up and appearing a bit overweight.
Jeremy Clarkson is currently alive and well. No information has indicated that he is ill.
As of September 2021, Jeremy Strong is still alive.
Jeremy Brett's birth name is Huggins, Peter Jeremy William.
Jeremy Brett was born on November 3, 1933.
Jeremy Brett was born on November 3, 1933.
No, he was not. Brett Favre is still alive.
Brett Somers died on September 15, 2007 at the age of 83.
Jeremy Brett has 185 cm. For example like Clint Eastwood.
No, Debby Shum is still alive!
He is still alive, and he is the CEO of an Internet company called Dyn.
Yes, Jeremy Irons is still alive and doing well. He is a well known actor that has appeared in film, theater, and television.
Jeremy Brett (1933-1995).