Doris Day is still alive.
Is Doris day still alive lady 5/11/17
She is alive and doing great.
Yes, Doris Day died on May 13, 2019
Doris is alive and well living in Carmel, CA.
She is still alive.
Alive at 84.
Doris DayYes, she is still alive. She is 85 years of age. She was born on April 3, 1924.
Doris Day is dead and the date is around 2000 but i am not absolutely sure!:):):) As of April 22, 2011, Doris Day is still alive at the age of 87.
Doris Day is alive and well and just celebrated another birthday on April 3. She was born in 1923.
She will be 86 on April 4, 2010
Doris Day has had four husbands, and all of them have died.