I cant tell
Its an item to be held by ditto to raise its deffence stat in battle.it only works for dittos
Yes you can breed ditto with any Pokemon and the baby is the Pokemon you have breeded ditto with.exapale;[ratta +ditto =ratta ][eevee + ditto =eevee]
Ditto is not the only Pokemon. Ditto can transform into other Pokemon, but it is not the only Pokemon because 1.Mew can turn into any Pokemon. 2. When ditto transforms it tempolarily learns the moves that the defending Pokemon currently knows. 3. It is said that mew is the cousin of all Pokemon. So ditto is NOT the only Pokemon.
you can't breed pokemon to make a ditto, but you can catch a ditto at route 218 using a PokeRader.
well in my experience ditto can use transform but it has no effect
I cant tell
breed ditto with ur starter Pokemon and train it at indigo platoo and breed it with a dratiniAnswerbreed ditto with ur starter Pokemon and train it at indigo platoo and breed it with a dratini
You could find them in rooms or trade with me for a leafeon lv 40.
Its an item to be held by ditto to raise its deffence stat in battle.it only works for dittos
Pokemon indigo does not exist
any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto
Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.
The Pokemon you copied. Just as a warning, if your foe has a ditto and you have a ditto with only transform (that haven't transformed yet) as your last two Pokemon. the match will never end and you will have to turn off your DS systems.
Pokemon indigo is a fake
Yes you can breed ditto with any Pokemon and the baby is the Pokemon you have breeded ditto with.exapale;[ratta +ditto =ratta ][eevee + ditto =eevee]