Bernard Bresslaw was born on February 25, 1934.
there is still alive Vincent Ball Dora Bryan Fenella Fielding Angela Douglas Frank Thornton Julian Holloway Peter Gilmore Margaret Nolan Valerie Shute Marianne Stone Trisha Noble Patricia Franklin Elizabeth Knight
UK actor Bernard Cribbins is 89 years old (birthdate: December 29, 1928).
The cast of The Giddy Game Show - 1985 includes: Bernard Bresslaw as Gorilla Bill Fraser as Gus (1985-1986) Graeme Garden as Gus (1986) Redvers Kyle as Giddy
Bernard Madoff is alive and in jail as of 20 July 2011.
Bernard Bresslaw is 6' 7".
Bernard Bresslaw went by Bernie.
Bernard Bresslaw was born on February 25, 1934.
Bernard Bresslaw was born on February 25, 1934.
no he did not live in dulwich
It was Bernard Bresslaw
Bernard Waber has not died. He is still alive.
there is still alive Vincent Ball Dora Bryan Fenella Fielding Angela Douglas Frank Thornton Julian Holloway Peter Gilmore Margaret Nolan Valerie Shute Marianne Stone Trisha Noble Patricia Franklin Elizabeth Knight
Bernard Silver died in 1962 Woodland is still alive
No, George Bernard Shaw passed away on November 2, 1950.
Bernard Stanley "Acker" Bilk is still alive at the age of 79
Yes. I'm his daughter. He's actually downstairs doing the dishes at the moment.