Yes, Gerda Weissmann Klein is alive as of now, August 24, 2009. She was born on May 8, 1924 and is currently 85 years old.
If you're referring to the dancer, then no- she died in April 12, 1975 in Paris, France, aged 68.
Is he still alive? There are no photos of him as an adult.
Yes, as of February, 2017. Dancer and choreographer Marge Champion is 97 years old (born Marjorie Belcher, September 2, 1919). She appeared in numerous musicals with her husband Gower Champion (1919-1980).
Yes he is (aka) he is alive alive alive
Yes, Calvin Klein is still alive.
Calvin Klein is still alive.
yes; James klein is president of the American benefits council.
Yes, Gerda Weissmann Klein is alive as of now, August 24, 2009. She was born on May 8, 1924 and is currently 85 years old.
Yes, Gerda Weissmann Klein is alive as of now, May 8, 2010. She was born on May 8, 1924 and is currently 86 years old.
Yes he is, he is 68 years old
Yes, Marc Platt the dancer is still alive today and resides in Pasadena, California, U.S.
chris brown or usher
According to other sources, Anne Klein is in fact, not related to Calvin Klein. Contrary to popular belief, Anne Klein is not, Calvin's daughter. Calvin is in fact younger then the deceased Anne. Anne died in '74 of breast cancer. Calvin is still alive.
Cosmo might be alive again if they release another album. The Alive Again album features Cosmo Klein and has been well received.
Lilly Klein was found in a concentration camp barely alive tho but it is said that Lilly is one of the few survivor's.