America Ferrera has 2 children
America Ferrera was born on April 18, 1984.
Yes, America Ferrera has 2 kids.
145 pounds
No, America's last name is Ferrera (spelled with an E), and Jerry's last name is Ferrara (spelled with an A). America Ferrera is the youngest of six children, she has four sisters and one brother. I'm not sure about Jerry Ferrara's family, couldn't find any info about them. All I know is he is dating Jamie Lynn Sigler. Have a great day! Submitted by: Beth Taylor Nashville, TN
America Ferrera was born on April 18, 1984
America Ferrera has 2 children
Yes, America Ferrera has 2 kids.
America Ferrera has 2 children
America Ferrera is a/an *Actress *producer *director
This website is not helpful because it doesn't know any information
America Ferrera was born on April 18, 1984.
America Ferrera was born on April 18, 1984
America Ferrera was born on April 18, 1984.
America Ferrera married to Ryan Piers Williams in 2011
America Ferrera married to Ryan Piers Williams in 2011
America Georgina Ferrera has been in 2 movies (that i know about)