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Q: In which season andwhich episode did Bill Cosby get a treadmill test?
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What episode does vanessa get drunk on the Cosby show?

It's the the episode called ""I'm 'In' With the 'In' Crowd" " in Season 6, Episode 3.Summary:Vanessa and her friends get drunk playing a drinking game. Guest appearance by Bill Cosby's real-life daughter Ensa Cosby, upon whom the character Vanessa is loosely based.

What episode of the Cosby show does cliff and theo go car shopping?

"Say Hello to a Good Buy" (1987), season 3-episode 15.

What is the name of the song that was played on the Cosby show season 4 episode the prom?

"Shake a Hand" by Faye Adams

What Cosby show episode do Sandra and Alvin get engaged?

There was never an episode that showed a wedding. Season 4, episode 1 "Call of the Wild" opens showing the couple returning from their honeymoon.

What is the Cosby show episode called where Vanessa sneaks out with her boyfriend and the sit in the car and she feels it isn't right If all you have is the season that will be fine?

The episode is called 'Truth or Consequences'

What is the name of the song to which the family dances in the Cosby Show season 2 episode Happy Anniversary?

lolololololol i have no idea but does this help roflcopter

What was the name of the Cosby Show episode that had Theo preparing for the real world by getting a loan from a bank a manager and also an apartment in his own home?

The episode is called Theo's Holiday. It is the 22nd episode of season 2.

Who sang to cliff and Clair on the cosby show?

The song was called "We belong" by Shelton Becton.

Which Cosby Show episode did Bill perform the marching band routine in his pajamas?

Season 3, Ep 9, "Denise gets a D".

How many episodes Cosby show?

It ran for 8 seasons.

What is the name of the jazz theme played on The Cosby Show season 5 episode birthday blues while Bill Cosby and his wife eat some cream pies?


When did season 1 of 'The Cosby Show' air?

it is my understanding that the Cosby Show debuted in 1984.