Tio Juan is Gonzalo's mother's uncle. He is very old( the oldest in his Pueblo) and was a farmer all his life. He does not understand English and can only speak a type of Indianlanguage.
They plant sweet peppers
Tio Juan planted beans in his garden plot in the book "Seedfolks" to honor his wife's memory. He cared for the beans with love and dedication, hoping they would grow well in memory of his departed loved one.
In the tale of Tio Juan, his transformation from a baby back into a man was caused by the spell of his godmother, who reversed the curse placed on him as a punishment for his greed and selfishness. Through his experiences as a baby, Tio Juan learned humility and compassion, allowing him to break the curse and return to his original form.
Fabio Rivas Araujo has written: 'Tio Juan'
by getting back to a man or ababy
no they do not
Main Characters:Kim (Lima Beans)AnaWendellGonzalo (Planted with Tio Juan)Leona (Goldenrod)Sam (Pumpkins with Puerto Rican kid)Virgil (Lettuce with father)Sae Young (Hot peppers)Curtis (Tomatoes for Lateesha)Nora (Planted with Mr. Myles)Maricela (Raddish & Swiss Chard)Amir (Eggplant)FlorenceMinor Characters:RoyceTio JuanLateeshaVirgil's Dad
Seedfolks was created in 1997.
Paul Fleischman wrote Seedfolks.
They Have better personalitys than guys
Tio mean uncle in spanish
Ana is from Romania. She is one of the characters in the book "Seedfolks" by Paul Fleischman.