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Yup they are exactly the same

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Q: In Yu-Gi-Oh is sacrifice and tribute mean the samething?
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In Yugioh is sacrifice and tribute mean the same thing?

'Sacrifice' doesn't appear anywhere in the English version of the game, it is a Magic the Gathering term here. But it is used in the Japanese version of the game, and is indeed the same thing as a Tribute.

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it means if samething explodes

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It means airy light cloudly fluffy it like a cloud

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if you mean online pc games theres kaiba corp, yugioh dueling network thats all i know

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Samething is not a word. If you mean "it feels like the same thing all over again", then it is two words. If you meant to spell "something", as in "something smells funny", then it is one word.

Does the word compliment and comment mean the samething?

No one means to tell someone good about themselves and one mean to say something that is happening

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die or death ha u got it from twilight didnt u i asked the samething

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What does it mean when you like a boy for 3 years and he raises his eyebrows at you?

1: he is noticing you are looking at him 2: he is checking you out 3: the samething as he were to wave at you

Do lush and barren mean the samething?

No, lush and barren are opposites. Lush means "growing vigorously." Barren means that there is not much, if any growth.

What does Cristiano Ronaldo celebration mean?

It is a tribute to his son.