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no they are random. since you already know there are only six I'm assuming you also know that they change with the phrase you enter at Dewford town.

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Q: In Pokemon emerald are the six spots where you catch feebas together?
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How do you catch Milotic in Pokemon Emerald?

Actually, it's impossible to catch Milotic in any Pokemon Game. But, it's possible to catch its pre-evolution, Feebas. To catch Feebas in Pokemon Emerald, there is a complicated way. But, I know that you can catch Feebas in Route 119. Hope I helped :)

Where you catch mitotic in Pokemon emerald?

You can't. You have to catch a Feebas & raise it into a Milotic.

How can you get feebas in Pokemon emerald?

you want catch it with the rod in rout 119.

What rod do you catch Feebas in Pokemon Emerald and if so how?

supe rod

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Where do you catch feebas on Pokemon emerald?

on rount 119 note use super rod

What rod can be used to catch feebas at Pokemon emerald?

You can't catch a feebas in the Hoenn region. In the Sinnoh region you could catch it with any rod. It doesn't matter. :0)

How can you catch a feebas in Pokemon emerald?

Feebas can only be caught in one place and tats the route south of Fortree, if you go onyoutube they might have it.

Pokemon emerald were to find feebas?

catch it on the route beetween mauville and fortree cities in the water(it's really rare).

Where to find feebas in Pokemon Emerald?

on route 119 there is a fisherman when you battle him he will have the feebas you can catch them right in front of where he is fishing unless you changed the catchy phrase in dewford town then its position will change

How do you catch a Milotic in Pokemon emerald?

To catch a milotic, you'll have to go fishing. There is a chance you'll hook a Feebas. It is a veryrare chance, though. Once you catch it, you have to evolve it. It evolves into Mitolic.

How do you Pokemon emerald how to catch a feebas in route 119?

all you do is fish every tile but theirs only 6 tiles with feebas and theirs over 400 tiles on route 199 so good luck