No the ultra ball is the better ball the order of normal poke balls goes
Catch Rate
Pokeball 1x
Greatball 1.5x
Park Ball 1.5x
Ultraball 2x
Masterball Infinite
You can. It is just very hard to do. You can catch anything with any ball. With the legendary stuff, anything short of the Master Ball will be hard though. I caught Articuno with a Great Ball. You just have to stock up on several different types of balls, save right before you battle them, and keep trying. Paralysis will help, sleep is even better but will wear off. If you battle them at night, a Dusk Ball can be even better than the Ultra Ball.
Houndour was a Pokemon released in Generation III. Pokemon Gold is a Generation II game. Houndoor was not introduced at that time. Therefore, you cannot get Houndour in Pokemon Gold.
You have to level it up with high friendship.
Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold are remakes of Pokemon Silver and Gold which were released in 2000. Gold and Silver were released for Gameboy Color, and since 2009 Soul Silver and Heart Gold have been released as remakes available for any DS. It has many new features, as well as better graphics (3D to an extent), many more pokemon, added characters to the storyline, remade cities and routes, and extras like a safari zone where there previously wasn't one.
Fighting types are great against normal types like snorlax so have a Pokemon like machoke use fighting type moves like cross chop.
use master ball, ultra, or great usually, master ball is grater to catch Ho-Oh.
ultra ball
beat him to red then throw an ultra ball
You can buy Ultra balls from any Pokemart after you defeat the elite 4. The cost £1200 each.
Pokemon Heart gold is different from Pokemon Gold cuz heart gold has better graphics new Pokemon and new events
There is no such thing as a Great Basin Gold in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold or Soulsilver.
Too right! :)
fighting types moves are great against her but her miltank has a great defense so it would be better to hit it with a strong special attack
cuz they think Pokemon silver and gold are better than Pokemon crystal.
It will be better
grow a pair... and get good pokemon to get the legendary pokemon's health low... then use an ultra ball over and over again until you catch it
No heart gold is better. #1- Heart gold has two regions and a battle fronteir #2- Heart gold has some new features that are much better than platinum Hope this helped