Britney Spears cause she is smart an cool as a normal person they are just like us
At the moment Declan is NOT dating anyone. But if he did, I think it would be the same thing, dating a non-famous person, like dating a famous person. They'd be in love anyway.
she would date fan
the only person that could really answer this question is Corbin himself.
Some do, some don't. However, we see this question in various forms often enough around here to guess the real question is "would (current flavor-of-the-month celebrity) date me?" The answer is: realistically, no. Give it up; it's never going to happen.
of course NOT keep dreaming he only dates famous celebrities, why would he want to date a nobody lol He is a HUMAN first of all.and he isn't a 'Hollywood' stereotype he wants to live his life like everybody why not?for Christ's sake
Greyson said on an interview that he would rather date a fan I think. But he would date another famous person if he could I would think.
The likelihood of Bieber dating famous people is likely, but he could still date the average person.
Yes but he would date a non famous person to
Yes, he has said that would be easier then a ordinary person because they would be used to all the attention.
deffinately if he actually likes you for real.............!
yes he said hes dated non famous people before a he will do it again
NO way theyll date you because thayll have a right to say "hey im dating a famous person"
At the moment Declan is NOT dating anyone. But if he did, I think it would be the same thing, dating a non-famous person, like dating a famous person. They'd be in love anyway.
Well that depends on your age, weather you a nice person or a snide and weather you could ever get a date with her anyway. Im guessing no because maybee your not famous enough for her and stuff lyke that.
anything is possible, like if you put yourself out their for him and he wants you had yes but, the odds are no cause famous people usually date famous peopleIm pretty sure your trying to ask if he would date a fan. The answer is yes. He said he would date anyone he falls in love with. So it could be you, it could be me. It all depends on him.
Tina Tuner