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No. The text has been changed but the effect remains the same, first it was a 'cannot be special summoned except by..' monster, which means only the listed method could ever be used, it was not the kind that could be brought back assuming you summoned it properly first. Now it says "Must be summoned by....cannot be summoned in any other way", again, it doesn't matter if you properly summoned it, it can't be summoned back from the graveyard.

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14y ago

Yes, you can do that. When a monster says 'Once per turn', then flipping it face-down and up again (through various effects) will reset that condition, and it can use the effect again that turn. Same for destruction, or leaving the field in any way, it can use the effect once more.

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14y ago

"Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon's" effect reads: Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster except "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" from your hand or your Graveyard to your field.

You cannot Special Summon "Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" using another "Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon".

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Yes, you can.

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Q: When Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon has used his effect to special summon a dragon and he is then destroyed and special summoned that turn can he use the same effect again?
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Can malefic blue eyes be special summoned after being special summoned the right way and no field card is on the field?

Because it is an 'only be special summoned by..' monster, that means it can be special summoned by cards like Monster Reborn, after it was summoned properly but was destroyed. Note that a field spell card is in no way part of Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon's summon condition. MB-EWD will simply be destroyed if it is ever face-up on the field, and no Field Spell Card is in play. So if Monster Reborn was used in this case, MB-EWD would be special summoned, and then destroy itself.

Can 'Call of the Haunted' be used to special summon 'Cyber Twin Dragon'?

As long as the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' was properly summoned initially, by Fusion Summon, and was then destroyed, then yes, you can resummon it from the graveyard with 'Call of the Haunted'. If the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' got to the graveyard by the following methods - sent from Extra Deck by 'Gale Dogra', special summoned but not Fusion Summoned by 'Cyber Stein', or had its Fusion Summon negated, then it cannot be special summoned from the graveyard.

Can 'Monster Reborn' special summon 'Sky Scourge Enrise'?

Yeah. There's just two kinds of monsters you need to look out for; 1 - Monsters that say "Can only be special summoned by..." These monsters have to be summoned properly by their own effects first, if you wish to use Monster Reborn on them. You can't just discard them and use Monster Reborn. 2 - Monsters that say "Cannot be special summoned except by.." The only way (barring a few highly specialised circumstances) these can ever reach the field, is by following their own text. They cannot be special summoned from the graveyard by Monster Reborn, even if they were properly summoned first.

If herald of perfection is properly summoned can it be special summoned?

If Herald of Perfection is successfully Ritual Summoned and is sent to the Graveyard, it is then eligible to be Special Summoned from the Graveyard, unless specifically denied by another card effect.

Are you able to summon Koa'ki Meiru Maximus by the effect of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon?

If Koa'ki Meiru Maximus was properly special summoned first by the listed text, before it went to the graveyard, then it can be resummoned by effects like Call of the Haunted or Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. If it wasn't properly summoned though, then it can't be resummoned.

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When Light and Darkness Dragon is destroyed can i revive it using it's effect?

Light and Darkness Dragon's first line of text says that it cannot be special summoned. Therefore when it is destroyed and its last effect triggers, it cannot choose itself.

How do you special summon light and darkness dragon?

You can't. It says in its text "This card can not be special summoned."

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yes it can

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No you cannot. When a monster says it 'cannot be special summoned except by..' it means that's the only way it can ever reach the field. Five-Headed Dragon can't be special summoned, except by Fusion Summoning it. Even if you fusion summon it and it is destroyed, it can't be brought back to the field by cards like Call of the Haunted, or Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.

Can malefic blue eyes be special summoned after being special summoned the right way and no field card is on the field?

Because it is an 'only be special summoned by..' monster, that means it can be special summoned by cards like Monster Reborn, after it was summoned properly but was destroyed. Note that a field spell card is in no way part of Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon's summon condition. MB-EWD will simply be destroyed if it is ever face-up on the field, and no Field Spell Card is in play. So if Monster Reborn was used in this case, MB-EWD would be special summoned, and then destroy itself.

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Vampire Genesis 'cannot be special summoned' except by following the instructions on the card. If a monster says it can 'only' be special summoned a certain way, this is for the initial summon only. If you summon it properly, and it is destroyed, then you can revive it from the graveyard with Monster Reborn. However the 'except by' monsters can't be special summoned by any other means than the text on their card. Even if they are properly special summoned first, you still can't use Monster Reborn on them.

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No, monsters can only be normal or special summoned to the monster card zone. Crystal Beasts go to the S/T zone when destroyed, you don't place them there automatically.

Can 'Chaos Sorcerer' be special summoned from the graveyard?

Chaos Sorcerer must be initially summoned from hand. You cannot use his own special summon effect from any other location, like the graveyard. However, if he is properly special summoned by this method, and then destroyed, you are allowed to special summon him from the graveyard using cards like Monster Reborn. Monsters who say "can only be special summoned by..." all work like this, but ones who say "cannot be special summoned except by.." can't use any other method but their own. Lastly, if he's in the graveyard but was not properly summoned (like, his summon was negated, or he was simply discarded there) you can't use Monster Reborn on him.

Can you tribute a Special Summoned monster?

You can tribute a special summoned monster, yes.

Can 'Call of the Haunted' be used to special summon 'Cyber Twin Dragon'?

As long as the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' was properly summoned initially, by Fusion Summon, and was then destroyed, then yes, you can resummon it from the graveyard with 'Call of the Haunted'. If the 'Cyber Twin Dragon' got to the graveyard by the following methods - sent from Extra Deck by 'Gale Dogra', special summoned but not Fusion Summoned by 'Cyber Stein', or had its Fusion Summon negated, then it cannot be special summoned from the graveyard.

Can 'Monster Reborn' special summon 'Sky Scourge Enrise'?

Yeah. There's just two kinds of monsters you need to look out for; 1 - Monsters that say "Can only be special summoned by..." These monsters have to be summoned properly by their own effects first, if you wish to use Monster Reborn on them. You can't just discard them and use Monster Reborn. 2 - Monsters that say "Cannot be special summoned except by.." The only way (barring a few highly specialised circumstances) these can ever reach the field, is by following their own text. They cannot be special summoned from the graveyard by Monster Reborn, even if they were properly summoned first.

You want to special summon a monster from your graveyard by using monster reborn BUT the card says it can only be special summoned by discarding a card from your handdo you need monster reborn?

A monster's special summon text only applies while it is in your hand. If a monster says it can 'only be' special summoned by a certain method, then assuming you do summon it properly, and it is then destroyed, then you are allowed to use Monster Reborn and do not have to pay any additional costs. If the above monster was simply discarded from hand by something else, then it can not be special summoned by Monster Reborn. If it says 'cannot be special summoned except by..' then it can't be brought back with Monster Reborn even if it was properly special summoned first.