Marlene De Lamater's birth name is Marlene Denise De Lamater.
Marlene Dietrich is 5' 4 1/2".
Marlene Kinghorn's birth name is Myrtle Marlene Kinghorn.
Marlene Saritzky was born in 1959.
Marlene Edeling is 163 cm.
Inger Dietrichs's birth name is Inger Sveberg Dietrichs.
Inger Dietrichs is 170 cm.
Inger Dietrichs was born on April 2, 1987, in Baerum, Norway.
Marlene Hargreaves has started a family tree on
Marlene Thomas has written: 'The ancestry & descendants of William White & Martha Swilling' -- subject- s -: Family
Marlene Stein-Hilbers has written: 'Wem \\' -- subject(s): Parenthood, Parent and child, Family
The main point of the play is to show audiences the fact that it is impossible to truly be Top Girls. Case in point, Marlene. Marlene has been promoted to the rank of Managing Director of the Top Girls Employment agency, but at what cost? Marlene had to have two abortions and gave her daughter to her sister. Marlene is "fing miserable" and, as Mrs Kidd describes her, is a "ball breaker. Thus, with no family life worth speaking of, is Marlene truly a top girl? She does not even have a social life or friends; if she did, they would be present at her dinner party which is densely populated with herstorical women, typographical error intented.
Marlene De Lamater's birth name is Marlene Denise De Lamater.
Marlene Lufen's birth name is Marlene Franz.
Marlene Dietrich is 5' 4 1/2".
Marlene = מרלין
Marlene Stewart's birth name is Marlene Jean Stewart.