vincent worked as a janitor at gattaca.
Vincent Maniscalco's birth name is Vincent Joseph Maniscalco.
Vincent Duvall's birth name is Vincent DePasquale.
Vincent Kirkland is 6'.
Vincent Kirk's birth name is Brian Vincent Kirk.
vincent worked as a janitor at gattaca.
Vincent is considered an in-valid. Jerome is a valid. Vincent needed Jerome's genes to work at Gattaca.
Vincent Freeman is conceived and born without the aid of this technology. Most of the babies in GATTACA were test tube babies. Vincent was a in-valid because of this.
A Congenital Heart Defect
30.2 years
your destiny is not already determined by your genetics, so you have the power to change your fate
Vincent accidentally left his eyelash on the edge of some shelf, which convicted him.
To get rid of his loose skin cells.
Vincent's career goal in the movie "Gattaca" was to become an astronaut and travel to space. Despite facing genetic discrimination and being deemed unfit for the position due to his "inferior" genetics, Vincent pursued his dream relentlessly by assuming the identity of a genetically superior individual.
Vincent always strived to be better while Anton simply knew he was better and never tried to improve himself.