I believe he was around the age of 6. The move was needed for his father's health. He had some sort of lung ailment. So, he was born in 1907 so the move was around 1913 or so. They ended up in Glendale CA, east of LA.
It is 36.2 miles and an estimated 45 minute drive according to Google Maps.
Yes, on and off throughout her life. She lived in Lancaster/Los Angeles from 1926 until 1960. She lived briefly in New York City in 1960, and then in Scarsdale, New York, from 1961 until mid 1962. She moved back to Los Angeles in 1962 and remained in the same home until 1967 until the tax man came. She then resided in various hotels between 1967 and 1969 ranging from New York to Massachusettes and then finally in London England.
Malibu, CA.
She lives in Woodside, CA
The driving distance from Lancaster, CA to Sacramento is 365 miles.
Quartz Hill - Lancaster CA (USA) 1034 W Ave L Lancaster CA 93534-7040
The elevation of Lancaster, CA is approximately 2,457 feet (749 meters) above sea level.
85 miles taking this route:Take SR-58 EAST from Bakersfield to SR-14 SOUTH to BISHOP and MOJAVE off EXIT 167.Turn right off the exit ramp onto SR-14 SOUTH to MOJAVE; take SR-14 SOUTH to Lancaster.
85 miles taking this route:Head out west to I-605 FREEWAY; follow signs to I-605 FREEWAY - NORTH.Take I-605 NORTH to I-5 NORTH to LOS ANGELES off EXIT 11.Follow I-5 NORTH to HIGHWAY 14 - NORTH to PALMDALE and LANCASTER off EXIT 162.Take HIGHWAY 14 - NORTH to PALMDALE.
Lancaster CA.
The coldest temperature ever recorded in Lancaster, CA was -18°F on January 4, 1963.
The distance between Lancaster CA and Sedona AZ is about 473 road miles.
The highest temperature ever recorded in Lancaster, CA is 121°F (49.4°C) on July 24, 2006.
lancaster ca
By freeway, about 93 miles.