Tiko Lasola was born on July 17, 1989, in Finland.
Jason Patric is 51 years old (birthdate: June 17, 1966).He is the son of actor Jason Miller, and his maternal grandfather was Jackie Gleason.
Patric Hornqvist was born on January 1, 1987
Patric Zimmerman was born on October 10, 1954.
Patrick Kake is 6' 2".
Tiko Patric goes by Deuce.
Tiko Lasola was born on July 17, 1989, in Finland.
Marcus Patric is 6' 0".
Tiko's population is 55,914.
it depends witch are you talking about the foot ball tiko who is 55 or the youtube tiko who is 16
Tiko Air was created in 2000.
Jason Patric is 51 years old (birthdate: June 17, 1966).He is the son of actor Jason Miller, and his maternal grandfather was Jackie Gleason.
Tiko - footballer - was born on 1976-09-15.
James Patric Moran is 6' 2".
NHL player Patric Hornqvist is 5'-11''.
Sa bula bula vinaka tiko, set tiko ! Sa vakacava tiko ? How about an example: Let's say that Deanie Etcetera visits Fiji and runs into Mitch Longley. Deanie says, "Mitch Longley, how are you?" Mitch Longley responds in the fijian tongue, "Sa bula bula vinaka tiko, set tiko! Sa vakacava tiko? ( I am fine, thank you! How are you?)
Patric Nebhuth was born in 1973.