Jay Mack Arnette II's birth name is Jay Mack Arnette II.
Crystal Hansen is 5' 7".
Crystal Lowe is 5' 5".
Crystal Molchan is 5' 4".
There do not appear to be any celebrities who have Arnette as their first name. This is quite an unusual first name to have so that perhaps is not surprising.
Arnette Watson is 5' 6".
Waymon Arnette is 5' 11 1/2".
The cast of Change Me to Me - 2010 includes: Crystal Arnette Jamie Law
Waymon Arnette's birth name is Waymon Arnette Butler IV.
Waymon Arnette goes by Way.
Jay Mack Arnette II's birth name is Jay Mack Arnette II.
Jay Arnette was born on 1938-12-19.
Arnette Lamb died on 1998-09-18.
Arnette Lamb was born on 1947-01-12.
Arnette's are made in Italy. Tommy Arnette was a Sun glasses designer for Oakley, who decided to go and make his own sunglasses. I have a pair of them and they Rock!
Crystal Milton is 5'.
Crystal Monte is 6'.