Steve Prefontaine
Steve Stavro died on April 24, 2006 at the age of 78.
Steve Gaines died on October 20, 1977 at the age of 28.
Steve Clark died on January 8, 1991 at the age of 30.
When Steve Irwin was killed in 2006, he was 44 years old. Had he lived, in 2014 he would be 52.
Steve Prefontaine was born in 1951. There is not really any more that can be said as to what year he was born, because this question doesn't allow more room for explanation.
He died in a car accident after a party in Eugene, Oregon on May 30.
Elfriede Prefontaine
Steve Prefontaine was born on January 25, 1951.
Steve Prefontaine was born on January 25, 1951.
Steve Prefontaine was born in Coos Bay, Oregon.
Steve Prefontaine
Steve Prefontaine
It is about Steve Prefontaine in his college years. some sub-plots are: His running, His relationship with Mary Markx, and the coaching of Bill Bowerman.
Steve Prefontaine ran the two-mile in 8:41.5 while in high school.