Janno Gibbs is 42 years old (birthdate: September 16, 1969).
Scott Gibbs is 40 years old (birthdate: January 23, 1971).
Timothy Gibbs is 44 years old (birthdate: April 17, 1967).
Guyanese cricketer Lance Gibbs is 83 years old (birthdate: September 29, 1934).
Marla Gibbs is 86 years old (birthdate: June 14, 1931).
May Gibbs was born on January 17, 1877 and died on November 27, 1969. May Gibbs would have been 92 years old at the time of death or 133 years old today.
Jonathan Clarkson Gibbs died on August 14, 1874 at the age of 52.
Angel Gibbs (of 8 Flavahz) is 18 years old (birthdate May 10, 1999).
Robin Gibbs is 59 years old as of May 20, 2009. He was born on December 22, 1949.
Jonathan Clarkson Gibbs was born on September 28, 1821 and died on August 14, 1874. Jonathan Clarkson Gibbs would have been 52 years old at the time of death or 193 years old today.
May Gibbs was born on January 17, 1877.
May Gibbs was born on January 17, 1877.
Janno Gibbs is 42 years old (birthdate: September 16, 1969).
Scott Gibbs is 40 years old (birthdate: January 23, 1971).
Connor Gibbs is 16 years old (birthdate: February 2, 2001).
Cory Gibbs is 31 years old (birthdate: January 14, 1980).
Herschelle Gibbs is 43 years old (birthdate: February 23, 1974).