Wesley Willis died on August 21, 2003 at the age of 40.
Colin Wesley is 74 years old (birthdate: September 5, 1937).
John Wesley was born on June 28, 1703 and died on March 2, 1791. John Wesley would have been 87 years old at the time of death or 312 years old today.
Alicia Leigh Willis is 33 years old (birthdate: March 1, 1978).
old enough to know better
Wesley Willis died on August 21, 2003 at the age of 40.
Wesley Willis is 6' 5".
Wesley Willis was born on May 31, 1963.
Wesley Willis was born on May 31, 1963.
The cast of Wesley Willis - 2003 includes: Steve Albini as himself Wesley Willis as himself
Peter Yarrow and Wesley Willis.
Crazy Like a Road Lizard The Wesley Willis Fiasco - 1995 was released on: USA: 10 June 1995 (Chicago, Illinois)
Old Wesley was created in 1891.
Wesley Willis died on August 21, 2003 at the age of 40.
William Wesley is 12 and he is hot.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Wesley Wright is 29 years old.
The most popular songs by Wesley Wills are the ones about a broken heart and how he lost his love. This is because losing the one thing you love is very important.