She is 59 years old.
Edith Frank was 29-years old when her Anne, her youngest daughter, was born. She was 26-years old when Margot, her oldest daughter, was born.
Terry Sylvester was born on January 8, 1947.
Actor Sylvester Stallone was 30 years old in 'Rocky'. Stallone was born on July 6, 1946 and the movie was released on December 3, 1976.
Sylvester Stallone is currently married to Jennifer Flavin. As of June 2014, she is approximately 45 years old. She has three children with Sylvester Stallone.
13 or 14
Regina belle's youngest daughter is 13 years old
The youngest daughter is Bielke, who is probably 7-10 years old. She doesn't do much.
youngest daughter is cymphonique miller from nick the tv show called "How To Rock"
The youngest Obama daughter is Sasha (her real name is Natasha, but she prefers her nickname). She was born in 2001.
the youngest is 4 the next is 8 the oldest is 12 The above is incorrect. The youngest is 10 the oldest 30.
She is 59 years old.
Sylvester is 23 years old.
Edith Frank was 29-years old when her Anne, her youngest daughter, was born. She was 26-years old when Margot, her oldest daughter, was born.