Steven A. LaChance is 52 years old (birthdate: January 3, 1965).
Steven Pinker is 56 years old (birthdate: September 18, 1954).
Steven Agnew is 32 years old (birthdate: October 12, 1979).
He is 90 years old
Steven Stamkos was born on February 7, 1990.
Steven Stamkos was drafted by the Tampa Bay Lightning in 09
Steven Stamkos plays for the Tampa Bay Lightning.
Steven Stamkos plays center for the Tampa Bay Lightning.
Steven Stamkos is number 91 on the Tampa Bay Lightning.
He's 6'1"..
nobody is really better than them, but there is some that are just as good like Steven Stamkos, the sedins or Thorton. (except for malkin, the past year he has been going on a slump).
February 7, 1990