Ron Weasley was born on March 1st, 1980 while Harry Potter was born on July 31st, 1980. That makes Ron older than Harry by four months and thirty days.
Who is Herame? If you mean Hermione, she is the same age as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. All three are in the same year at Hogwarts.
It was a blue Ford Anglia that was a bit rusty.
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and most of their classmates are twelve. Hermione turned thirteen shortly after the start of term. Ginny Weasley was eleven. The adults are of various ages.
Mrs Weasley sent Harry Potter a hand knitted jumper and fudge. Ron had told her that Harry wasn't expecting many gifts and she decided to make him a jumper, like the ones she made for her sons every year.
Hermione doesn't have an owl, but in her third year she buys a cat and she names him Crookshanks.
Rupert Grint, who plays Ron was born 24.8. 1988, so now he is 22 years old.
Ron Weasley was twelve for the majority of the book but turned thirteen in March.
Ron Weasley was twelve for the majority of the book, he turned thirteen on the 1st of March.
Ron Weasley was fourteen years old at the start of the book. He turned fifteen in March, which was shortly after the second task.
12 years old
Yes, he was born 1st March, 1980.
Ginny Weasley was born on the 11th August 1981. She is one year and five months younger than Ron making her 10 in the first book and 16 in the last one.
George Weasley is 19 at the end of the final book (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
He was 26 when his daughter, Rose, was born. He was 28 when his son, Hugo, was born.
If you mean their actors, James and Oliver Phelps, they're both currently 23. (As of December 16th, 2009)
Who is Herame? If you mean Hermione, she is the same age as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. All three are in the same year at Hogwarts.
It was a blue Ford Anglia that was a bit rusty.