Peter Shilton was born on September 18, 1949.
Justin Shilton's birth name is Justin Ari Shilton.
UK actor Peter Davison is 66 years old (born Peter Moffett, April 13, 1951).
Peter Riegert is 64 years old (birthdate: April 11, 1947).
Peter Serkin is 64 years old (birthdate: July 24, 1947).
Peter Shilton was born on September 18, 1949.
Peter Shilton was born on September 18, 1949.
Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona was created in 1986.
Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona happened in 1986.
As of June 2014, former England international football goalkeeper Peter Shilton is still alive.
Peter Shilton is the most capped English footballer with 126 caps.
Peter Shilton... 125
peter shilton
Peter Shilton Because he Does well good saves he is my best goal keeper of all time.