Yes, he is. Norton Juster was born in 1929 and is alive this present day, 3-23-12. Today, Norton Juster is 83. (as of 3-23-12)
Yes, Norton Juster is alive although, his wife died in 2018
Norton Milo Juster
from his dad
he lives with his wife and 3 kids
yes, he had 2 kids called Josie & Mickey.
Norton Juster was born on June 2, 1929.
Norton Juster was born on June 2, 1929.
Jeanne .R. Juster
Yes, Norton Juster is alive although, his wife died in 2018
There are 256 pages in the book The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster.
Norton Milo Juster
from his dad
norton juster
Norton Juster
Sir Captain Crunch
he lives with his wife and 3 kids
Norton Juster has won the George G. Stone Recognition of Merit in 1986, the Urban Libraries Council dedication to literacy award in 2001, and the National Humanities Medal in 2012 for his contributions to American letters.