Miku Ishida was born on June 15, 1988.
Keisuke Ishida was born in 1955.
Yoko Ishida was born in 1973.
Yoshio Ishida was born on 1948-07-15.
Ayumi Ishida - actress - was born on 1948-03-26.
Miku Ishida was born on June 15, 1988.
Miku Ishida was born on June 15, 1988.
Mitsuhiro Ishida is 31 years old (birthdate: December 29, 1979).
The cast of Mirrorman Reflex - 2006 includes: Miku Ishida Hitomi Miwa Ryuji Yamakita as Ken Hayashi
He is about 15-18 years old.
She has no official age, though she seems to be the same as Hatsune Miku.
Hatsune Miku is a fictional 16 year old girl. She could technically live forever, but she hasn't died yet.
Ira Ishida's birth name is Shoichi Ishida.
Junichi Ishida's birth name is Taro Ishida.
Jim Ishida's birth name is James Susumu Ishida.
She does not have a canonical age, but she appears to be the same age as Hatsune Miku.
She's said that shes around 16 years of age.