Yes, she is married to photographer Donald Woodman.
Judy Garland was born on June 10, 1922 and died on June 22, 1969. Judy Garland would have been 47 years old at the time of death or 93 years old today.
When Judy Garland died she was 49 years old.
Judy Garland was 23 years old. Liza was born in March of 1946 and Judy turned 24 in June.Liza May Minnelli was born on March 12, 1946. Judy Garland was born on June 10, 1922. Therefore, Judy Garland was 23 years, 9 months old when she gave birth to her first daughter, Liza Minnelli. Liza's father, Vincente Minnelli (1903-1986) was the director of Judy Garland's 19th movie, Meet Me in St. Louis(1944).
Australian singer Judith "Judy" Stone is 75 years old (birthdate: January 1, 1942). US journalist and critic Judy Stone was 93 years old when she died on October 6, 2017 (born May 1, 1924).
Judy Chicago's birth name is Judy Cohen.
Judy Chicago was born on July 20, 1939.
Judy Chicago was born on July 20, 1939.
The cast of Judy Chicago and the Dinner Party - 1983 includes: Judy Chicago as herself
Judy Chicago is a feminist artist, author and educator. You can read more about her, below.
She was born Judy Gerowitz.
Judy Kreston was born on November 22, 1933, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Judy Mazel was born on December 20, 1943, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Judy Chicago has: Played herself in "Womanhouse" in 1974. Played herself in "Creativity with Bill Moyers" in 1982. Played herself in "Judy Chicago and the Dinner Party" in 1983. Played herself in "To the Contrary" in 1992. Played herself in "SexTV" in 1998.
Old Judy Church was created in 1838.
Right Out of History The Making of Judy Chicago's Dinner Party - 1980 was released on: USA: October 1980 (Chicago International Film Festival)
Yes, she is married to photographer Donald Woodman.