John and Edward Grimes is 19 years old (birthdate: October 16, 1991).
John and Edward Grimes was born on October 16, 1991.
Identical twins John and Edward Grimes were born on October 16th, 1991. John is ten minutes older than Edward.1991 x
Edward Grimes goes by Jedward.
17 and going on 18 in october
An official fan phone number for Edward Grimes is not known at this time.
John and Edward Grimes.
Yes, John Grimes is taller than Edward Grimes.
John Grimes and Edward Grimes are twin brothers, born October 16, 1991. John is 10 minutes older than Edward.
The twin singers John and Edward Grimes, aka Jedward, are 26 years old (born October 16, 1991). John is the older twin by 10 minutes.
John and Edward Grimes was born on October 16, 1991.
John and Edward Grimes was born on October 16, 1991.
Their surname is Grimes.
They are eighteen years old and will be nineteen on the 16th of October 2010 .
The twin singers John and Edward Grimes, aka Jedward, are 26 years old (born October 16, 1991). John is the older twin by 10 minutes.
Jedward is the stage name of twin Irish singers John and Edward Grimes (born October 16, 1991). Their full names are John-Paul Henry Daniel Richard Grimes and Edward-Peter Anthony Kevin Patrick Grimes.
john paul Henry Daniel Richard grimes and edward peter Anthony Kevin Patrick grimes source : video diary 6 john and edward youtube