As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Garrett McIntyre is 29 years old.
"Drew McIntyre" (Andrew Galloway) is 32 years old (born June 6, 1985).
13 years old =]
US singer Joseph "Joey" McIntyre is 45 years old (birthdate: December 31, 1972).
Garrett Ryan is 17 years old (born August 14, 1999).
Garrett Reisman is 43 years old (birthdate: February 10, 1968).
Garrett McIntyre was born on 1984-11-26.
NFL player Garrett McIntyre is 6'-03''.
Garrett McIntyre plays for the New York Jets.
Garrett McIntyre plays Line Back for the New York Jets.
NFL player Garrett McIntyre played for Fresno State.
Garrett McIntyre is number 50 on the New York Jets.
NFL player Garrett McIntyre weighs 255 pounds.
Bird McIntyre is 52 years old (birthdate: December 8, 1958).
"Drew McIntyre" (Andrew Galloway) is 32 years old (born June 6, 1985).
13 years old =]
US singer Joseph "Joey" McIntyre is 45 years old (birthdate: December 31, 1972).