NHL player Chris Tanev was born on 12-20-89 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 24 years old.
Milcho Tanev was born on 1983-01-21.
Chris Saint is currently 42 years old.
Chris Old was born on December 22, 1948.
Chris Ramsey is 24 years old :)
As of the 2014 MLB season, Chris Iannetta is 31 years old.
NHL player Chris Tanev is 6'-02''.
Chris Tanev plays defense for the Vancouver Canucks.
Chris Tanev plays for the Vancouver Canucks.
Chris Tanev is number 8 on the Vancouver Canucks.
Chris Tanev was born in Toronto, Ontario on 12-20-89.
NHL player Chris Tanev weighs 183 pounds.
Slav Tanev's birth name is Svetoslav Asparouhov Tanev.
Ivan Tanev was born in 1957.
Lachezar Tanev was born on 1963-10-01.
Christopher Tanev was born on 1989-12-20.
Milcho Tanev was born on 1983-01-21.
Antony Tanev was born on February 28, 1978, in Sofia, Bulgaria.