There are at least three celebrities with that nickname.
Arthur David Scott (ex-NFL) is 64 years old (birthdate December 26, 1953).
Dave Scott (choreographer) will turn 45 in 2018 (born 1973).
Dave Scott (US triathlete) is 63 years old (birthdate January 4, 1954).
Brad Moylan's birth name is Moylan, Scott Bradley.
Scott Welch
As of the 2014 MLB season, Brad Glenn is 27 years old.
Brad Guzan is 26 years old (birthdate: September 9, 1984).
Brad Keselowski is 33 years old (birthdate: February 12, 1984).
Brad Scott was born on May 3, 1976.
Brad Scott was born on May 3, 1976.
Brad Scott - footballer - was born on 1977-##-06.
Brad Scott - athlete - was born on 1988-04-15.
Brad Scott - Australian footballer - was born on 1976-05-03.
Brad Scott - American football - was born on 1954-09-30.
Brad Jacobowitz's birth name is Brad Scott Jacobowitz.
Scott Weinger spoke but Brad Kane sang.Scott Weinger spoke and brad Kane did the singing
Brad Moylan's birth name is Moylan, Scott Bradley.
Scott Beehner
Scott Welch
As of the 2014 MLB season, Brad Glenn is 27 years old.