US actress Anne Hathaway is 35 years old (birthdate: November 12, 1982).
*Anne Hathaway (William Shakespeare's wife was 67 or 68 years old when she died on August 6, 1623. She was born in 1555 or 1556.
Anne Hathaway, William Shakespeare's wife, died 6 August 1623, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
No. Anne Hathaway probably didn't know how to write.
Yes, Anne Hathaway has 2 kids.
No, Anne Hathaway plays the 'White Queen'. Alice is played by Mia Wasikowska.
William Shakespeare's wife's name was Anne Hathaway.
After she married William Shakespeare, she was known as Anne Shakespeare.
Anne Hathaway was 26 when she married William Shakespeare. She was 67 when she died.
William Shakespeare married a woman named Anne Hathaway in 1852. He was 18 years old at the time. They had three children, Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith.
He was eighteen.
Anne Hathaway's birth name is Anne Jacqueline Hathaway.
Anne Hathaway is a/an Actress
No, Anne Hathaway is not single.
no anne hathaway was his wife
Anne Jacqueline Hathaway
Anne Jacqueline Hathaway
He was 18 and Got married to Anne Hathaway NO JOKE.
Anne Hathaway was born on November 12, 1982
He was 18, she was 26.