Christina Cimorelli was born on August 12, 1990.
Katherine Cimorelli was born on March 4 1992.
Lisa Cimorelli was born September 19, 1993.
Amy Cimorelli was born July 1, 1995.
Lauren was born on August 12, 1998 (Christina's 8th birthday).
Danielle "Dani" Cimorelli was born on June 15, 2000.
Amy Cimorelli is 18. (As of 7/10/13)
Amy Cimorelli is 22 years old. She was born July 1, 1995.
Joey Cimorelli will be 9 years old this year. (As of 2/08/14)
Christina Cimorelli is 23. (As of 8/12/13)
Alex Cimorelli is currently 17. His birthday is August 30th.
Amy Cimorelli is 18. (As of 7/10/13)
Christina is the eldest of the Cimorelli sisters.
None of the Cimorelli sisters have a child.
The Cimorelli sisters have pet cats.
The Cimorelli sisters do not have personal Skypes.
Actually the Cimorelli sisters were discovered on the website, Youtube.
All the Cimorelli sisters have the same mom.
The Cimorelli sisters come from California, USA.
Yes, the Cimorelli sisters of Sacramento, California, are of Italian descent.
Yes, the members of the band, "Cimorelli", are all sisters.
None of the Cimorelli sisters are fat.