On Amazon you can get a used one for 45 pounds, a new one would cost £59.99
The value of the god cards depends on the card number. For example (ORCS-ENSE2), The Winged Dragon of Ra card is worth around .60 cents but (GBI-003) The Winged Dragon of Ra is worth about $16.00.
Well... depends where you get it from, I most of the time go to Amazon because they are actually cheaper than eBay. I'd say if some one greedy and stupid sold it, it would be a million pound or something. If I had it I would sell it for say.... £15.00 but my friend would give it away for free because he gave Slifer the Sky Dragon to ME!! Cool so... Did you get the answer you where hoping for?Hope you get the card
Fake It's Fake You got fooled it suppose to be Blue Eye Ultimate Dragon not endless dragon of blue eye. If see a box down in the left and it is shiny it real if it does not show that or it not shiny it fake. You Got Fooled It worth $0.00
10 cent piece
If it has 'first edition' on it, then it's not authentic. Winged Dragon of Ra has always been a promotional card, so lacks the 1st ed/unlimited distinction. If it's one of the first printings of the GBI god cards though, (silver text rather than gold) then it would be worth about $60US if in mint condition.
it depends on its condition and rarity but normally i think around $5
blue eyes white dragon is worth $4.50- $6.00 depending on which version.
It is worth about $20 dpends on what type u got
The value of the god cards depends on the card number. For example (ORCS-ENSE2), The Winged Dragon of Ra card is worth around .60 cents but (GBI-003) The Winged Dragon of Ra is worth about $16.00.
If you sell it to some fanatic
No it is extremy over rated. Waste of my money!
The Elemental Hero Bladedge Yugioh card is worth approximately $1. The price of the Yugioh card will vary depending upon its condition.
Well... depends where you get it from, I most of the time go to Amazon because they are actually cheaper than eBay. I'd say if some one greedy and stupid sold it, it would be a million pound or something. If I had it I would sell it for say.... £15.00 but my friend would give it away for free because he gave Slifer the Sky Dragon to ME!! Cool so... Did you get the answer you where hoping for?Hope you get the card
Fake It's Fake You got fooled it suppose to be Blue Eye Ultimate Dragon not endless dragon of blue eye. If see a box down in the left and it is shiny it real if it does not show that or it not shiny it fake. You Got Fooled It worth $0.00
one million dollars
Yes it ownzzz, but if your looking for a good special i suggest dragon claws
10 cent piece