Sy Kramer's birth name is Seymour A. Kramer.
Joanna Kramer, the divorced wife.
Christian Kramer died in 1834.
Oscar Kramer was born in 1935.
Karsten Kramer is 153 cm.
Not a darn penny! -JS
Hans Kramer has written: 'Facts worth knowing about the Confederation of Free German Trade Unions' -- subject(s): Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund
He weighs 3007 pounds
0 pounds
Kramer vs. Kramer was created on 1979-12-17.
The duration of Kramer vs. Kramer is 1.75 hours.
Kramer vs. Kramer was created on 1979-12-17.
He weighs 167 lbs
There are two Kramer's in the US: - Kramer, Indiana - Kramer, North Dakota
Kenny Kramer goes by The Real Kramer.