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Comic books vary widely in price due to a number of factors not least of which being:

  • demand
  • availability
  • the economic climate
  • the condition of the comic
At present the economic climate isn't supporting the massive prices for nonessential luxuries as has been seen in recent years.

In terms of valuing a specific comic book from 1984 it would be absolutely impossible to even make an estimate based upon just the year and the publisher.

The title, issue number and print run (reprint or original run) would allow an expert to make an educated guess as to value. With this information they would be able to research the issue, look at past prices and research the story to estimate demand, they could search for available copies on the web to assess availability (as well as in some cases checking out how large the print run was) and from that they could give ball park figures.

Even at this stage the estimate could be as wide as 2p to £250,000 depending upon condition (although I am not aware of any 1984 comics being worth above a few thousand pounds at a push). Without seeing the actual comic and being able to hold it, inspect it and smell it an expert could not finalise an estimation of the price.
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14y ago

We really need more information than that provided such as title , issue number and condition or you can refer to a copy of the 'Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide' for pricing .

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Q: How much is a 1984 marvel comic book worth?
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Without the issue number and condition you'll need to refer to the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide .

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