Barry Diller is 73 years old. He was born on February 2, 1942 in San Francisco, California.
married Diane von Furstenberg (a clothing designer), 2001
Estimated 90 Million.
Sue Diller's birth name is Suzanne Diller.
Phyllis Diller was born on July 17, 1917.
No, Phyllis Diller is not Susan Lucci's daughter. Diller is far older than Susan.
Barry Diller was born in San Francisco, California in the United States.
Barry Diller was born on February 2, 1942 in San Francisco, California.
Barry Diller was never married to Phylis Diller. He was married to a fashion designer named Diane Von Furstenberg though. Phyllis got her last name when she married Stanford Diller in 1939.
CNBC Titans - 2010 Barry Diller was released on: USA: 18 August 2011
In the early 2000s Diller commanded 26,000 employees in 26 nations around the world.
married Diane von Furstenberg (a clothing designer), 2001
Currently, Mr. Barry Diller serves as chairman to only InterActiveCorps (IAC). IAC is an American internet company. Over the years, Mr. Diller has served as chairman for USA Broadcasting, Fox, Inc. (20th Century Fox, Fox Broadcasting Network) and Paramount Pictures.
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60 Minutes - 1968 The No-Fly List Barry Diller The Sea Gypsies 39-35 was released on: USA: 10 June 2007
Expedia is a publicly traded company. Chairman Barry Diller controls 58% of the company.
Estimated 90 Million.