Carlos Slim was born on January 28, 1940.
Carlos Slim Helu made his money from his businesses, He owns stakes in financial groups (Inbursa, Bronco Drilling, and Independent News & Media).
Yes. Carlos Slim Helu (aka The World's Richest Person) is alive.
Carlos Slim is 74 years old (birthdate: January 28, 1940).
$500,000 billion a minute or second
$2,147,483,647 a year for Carlos Slim Helú it means $178,956,971 per month, $44,739,243 per week or $8,947,848.53 per day
74 honk kong dollars
Carlos Slim is a true guerrilla billionaire who made his money wheeling and dealing in assets.
Carlos Slim Helu
Carlos Slim was born on January 28, 1940.
Carlos Slim is a Mexican businessman and philanthropist. Carlos Slim was the richest person in the world for 3 years in 2010 to 2013.
Carlos Slim has a total of six children. His first 3 sons are Carlos, Marco Antonio, and Patrick. Carlos Slim is 74 years old.
Yes I cAn get carloS Slim email adress...please
January 28, 1940 is Carlos Slim's date of birth.
Carlos Slim is a Freemason controlled by the Illuminati.